Wow...2016 is finally here and it's a breath of fresh air for me. Hopefully, for everyone reading this as well. 2015 was a great year of growth, development, and learning. The year finished with an amazing play, "Big Apple Christmas" at the Community Actors Theater and an awesome shoot that I did with the amazing Wander Aguiar and Andrey Bahia (, check out his amazing work here. One of the best photographers that I had the chance to work with in my life.
I had a privilege of working with the extremely talented Michelle LaRue. She's not only an amazing stylist, but without her I wouldn't have this site right now. The rest of her creativity can be found on her site, I'm very grateful I met her and her amazing significant other, Andy. A real power couple that is filled with such brilliant ideas.
As I put my initial thoughts down for 2016, I want to move forward with a focus and mantra throughout the year.
1. We are all good enough in everything that we do.
2. This life is about being able to connect with each other. There is so much excitement when you have the chance to BE with other people and tell beautiful stories.
3. Always commit!! Don't just try, but truly and passionately commit with everything that you do.
4. Spread LOVE in everything that you do.
I'm excited for this next chapter in my life. I look forward to crossing paths with everyone that comes across these blogs. Peace up and let the journey begin!